How to Get Around Southeast Asia on the Cheap
To welcome spring in the chicest of ways, last evening Shopbop and Malone Souliers gathered an…
13 Practical Psychology Tricks for Your Daily Life
If someone won't stop talking
If someone
won't stop talking, drop something (keys, pen). Reach…
50 Love Quotes that Speaks Volume!
“Love is just a word until someone
comes along and gives it meaning.”–James Earl…
How to be at Peace with Yourself and Others
The well-known saying goes "Life is a struggle," but does it really have to be like that? Don`t you…
10 Valuable Lessons for Life
Realize Most People Do Not Care
The vast majority will not see that you purchased another car or…
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Inside the chic New York hotel where Meghan hosted her baby shower
Baby blue didn't just steal the show this fashion month, it also stole a piece of my heart. From…
Essential Social & Personal Behaviors for Success
There are essential personality traits that facilitate your journey to be successful in life. It is…
The 3 Beauty Trends That Are Taking Over London Right Now
We have collated five of the best brands that use only lab-grown diamonds, so the next time you are…