Procrastination is a form of behavior that is characteristic for postponement (delaying, rescheduling) of execution of tasks. We are all victim to this in a greater or lesser extent. The problem arises when such behavior endangers other things because we have to do too much at the last moment. So let’s try to help ourselves to eradicate procrastination, or at least decrease it to an acceptable level.
The first thing is to admit that there is a problem. As usual in life, it is crucial that one understands and accepts that the problem exists. You should then plan concrete actions to solve it since you are responsible for it. We bring you 10 proposals for solving this problem that we believe can help you a lot.
The Only Right Time Is Now
If you wait for a “favorable” time to start, it will not come. Now is the best time to start working on your tasks and responsibilities. Believe it, the task will not complete by itself, no good fairy will help you!
Leave the excuses and get to work now no matter how bad you might feel because of it. You will feel worse later because of the guilt.
Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline.
It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences.
Make Decisions
Think quickly and efficiently and make decisions without waiting too much.
Wrong decisions can be corrected, but the excessive analysis is just time-consuming. By the way, long lasting reflection on how to do something is futile. Begin to work on a task and the solution will come during the process.
Split The Tasks Into Smaller Segments
Remove the tasks from the list one by one. Set a realistic deadline for each part of the task. Generally, if you have a big task in front of you, a few tiny unforeseen circumstances can greatly complicate the situation. So have in mind that these “unforeseen circumstances” will occur.
Think systematically and be realistic.
Do The Most Difficult First
If the task allows, do the hardest parts first. At the beginning, you have the most energy and your concentration is at the highest level.
Over time, you will feel tired but satisfied because you have done the most challenging part of the task. In this way, the lighter tasks will ideally suit the situation.
Eliminate Things That Distract You
We all like to surround ourselves with things that distract us. But in order to finish some work, we need to eliminate those pastimes.
If you really want to do something, suspend the messenger, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Put your mobile on vibration, do not play music that invites you to think and focus on what is your priority.
You know you will not finish the job if you do not focus. Therefore, refrain for some time of listening to music and reading statuses on Facebook.

Speak Affirmatively
Instead of telling yourself “Stop with delays,” say, “I should start working on this.” Or “I’m starting.” The brain does not distinguish what you want from what you do not want. It focuses only on the content, on the idea and is always striving to its realization. Therefore, say what you want instead of what you do not want.
Respect Your Rules, Yourself
Be strict with yourself in terms of deadlines and encourage yourself that you can comply with them. Respect the terms that you gave to yourself. When respecting your own terms, you show respect towards yourself. The famous “Iron Lady” said that she only sleeps peacefully after fulfilling all her daily obligations.
Nobody Is Perfect
Do not try to be perfect, perfection is utopia. Striving for infallibility distracts you from the essence of things. Do the best you can in the given time and do not worry about whether someone liked it or not.
Change Your Philosophy Of Life
Accept that there are things that are unpleasant and that they are an integral part of every situation that can help you to develop and improve. If you know that by overcoming these situations, you become more confident and self-assured, you will begin to accept them gladly.
Are You Tired?
There is a chance that you are not procrastinating. Maybe you are just tired. There are responsible people that are truly tired of all the obligations and tasks put before them. Think about this.
If you are just tired, then slow down a bit, rest and relax. In a week or two, you`ll be as new. Take your time, you`re not a machine.