The well-known saying goes “Life is a struggle,” but does it really have to be like that? Don`t you have a feeling that we are all pursuing peace, but enjoying in our needless drama? Well, if you truly want to be at peace with yourself and others, then choose peace! Yes, indeed, it is as easy as that! The interesting fact is that people do not choose peace, they prefer struggle and tightness. People believe that tension makes them alive, while it actually decreases their energy and liveliness. Now is the perfect time for you to unlearn yourself from stress and start living your life joyfully. Here are 10 pointers that will help you live in peace with yourself and others. Choose peace and be happy!
Acceptance is the key to inner peace. When you learn to accept yourself and others, life will be much easier and more beautiful. Acceptance refers not only to the people around you but also to situations and emotions that you experience.
When you stop resisting negative feelings, they will abandon you quicker. The same applies to the conflict or unpleasant situations or people. The sooner you accept things as they are; the door to inner peace will open. Try acceptance and you will experience the miracles of inner peace and freedom.
Be Thankful
You’ll never find peace if you do not know how to be grateful for what you have. We are chasing something every day without stopping and enjoying what’s important to us in life. Many people are running after a position or money and once they get to realize that they have lost what is most precious to them.
You can often meet people who are unhappy, and they have every reason to be immensely happy. The biggest culprit for such a condition is ingratitude.
Try To Be Immune To Criticism And Praise
If you depend on what others think of you, you will never achieve true peace. Criticism and praise are two sides of the same coin. Both are temporary judgments. You have to rise above it. It is not necessary that someone says that you did something good or bad. You know yourself how you did it.
You are just a human being; people make mistakes, make peace with that. Sometimes you are tired or something happened that distracted you, you’re not a robot. You must respect yourself and believe in your good quality, but also be aware of your limitations.

Forgive More
Learn to forgive yourself and others. Some people find it impossible to forgive themselves, and some find it very hard to forgive others. Unforgiveness is a poison that you really do not need in your life.
Try to understand yourself and others, so you will learn to forgive. As for the other people, very few of them are really bad and want to harm you deliberately. Basically, people are not bad, try to understand them instead of judging them or developing negative feelings towards them.
Supervise Your Thoughts
At the time of a comprehensive spiritual awakening, it becomes clear that we control our thoughts and not the way around. Our thoughts determine our state of mind. If constantly encourage negative and destructive thoughts, the inner peace is far away from you. Avoid the rush of bad thoughts and feelings at all costs. Of course, purity and clarity of mind cannot be achieved overnight.
Nevertheless, you should know that you are the ones who decide which thoughts to follow and which to reject from the start. Do not be the slave of your thoughts.
Simplify Your Life
Modern life puts demands on our time. We have a feeling that there is never enough time to do everything we “have” to do. Simplify your life; otherwise, you will never be better. Stop giving yourself too many obligations that are just hanging over your head like a burden. You know you cannot complete them all, why don`t you relax a bit?
Perform your tasks one by one without hurry and pressure. That way you will be more successful. Try it and see for yourself!
Filter What You Read And Watch
The news we read, the videos we watch on TV and movies has an impact on our way of thinking. We need to filter, be selective. We do not need to consume all these irrelevant information. Maybe this sounds trivial, but do you really need all this information? Do you have to know what tragedy happened and how the wars are progressing? If you are in a position to contribute something good, or if those things have impact on your life, then please follow.
But if there in nothing you can do about it, or if it has nothing to do with you, then there is no point in watching or consuming those tragedies. Try to take a break from the negativity. If you have free time, take advantage of this opportunity to do something positive, read a book or just relax from everything around you. When you clean your mind of negativity, a feeling of true happiness and inner peace occurs.
Work actively on developing your inner peace.
We spend at least eight hours a day in order to earn money, and we cannot set aside fifteen minutes for meditation. No matter how much money you earn, it does not guarantee that you will have inner peace. But if you spend fifteen minutes every day on meditation things will turn in your favor.

Meditation is not just sitting and staring in the blank. When we meditate, we try to come to a state of consciousness where peace reigns. No other thoughts should then come to us. The real inner peace occurs when we start controlling our thoughts.
Be In The Present
The past and the future are just imagination; the only thing that is real is the present moment.
You will find most of happiness, joy and tranquility in the present, in the present moment. The present moment frees you of the burden of the past and the future. The present moment is an oasis of peace, dive into it whenever you remember this truth. The more you stay in the present moment, you inner peace will be greater.