Let’s talk about getting Things Done. Where do we start? Somewhere! The most important thing is we have to make the first step, start somewhere. The only right time is now, not later, after this or that, NOW. To get things done, we need to set the priorities right, and jump on it. Success is a marathon, step by step, bit by bit. Here are 13 proven ways to be efficient and effective and get things done!.
Persistence Is Key to Getting Things Done
Persistence is a fundamental resource towards achieving your goals. You must cultivate the attitude of never giving up. You must show determination in the face of challenges and obstacles. Patiently try out different ways to getting things done. Learn, improve and be relentless but stay on the goal.

Be Persistent And Work Hard: Success Is A Marathon, Step By Step
Persistence is a good way to overcoming most challenges. Success can be achieved by working hard and never giving up.
Have Faith In Yourself
When you know what goal you wish to achieve, all there is to believe in yourself! Do not let your own prejudices and limitations stop you on the way to realizing a goal, no matter how unattainable it looks. Just remember that both Liv Ullmann and Meryl Streep, Academy Award winners, were turned down at an audition, but did not give up on their goal.
Set The Priorities
Of course, you heard this before, but only because it works! If you have multiple goals that overlap in time, you need to prioritize them. Deal with them by significance. If you don`t prioritize them, it will open the possibility you will ignore/forget what you consider is particularly important.
Priorities, of course, can always be revised. You need not fear that they are permanent. Anyway, it`s your life and those are your goals. Change them; rearrange them, everything that suits you best!
Push Yourself Extra Miles
Achieving your goals require you putting a great deal of effort and be steadfast. You must be ready to push yourself a little bit more towards your goals. Goals are not achieved by fantasizing about them but simply by dedication and perseverance.
Shoot for the stars
You should set high goals in the life because it pushes you to work hard to achieve them. As a result you will come across with new ideas and experiences. The more you push yourself, the more you keep getting better in what you do.
Bounce Back
Success and failure are always around. You should not be afraid of failure in life. When you face it, take it as an opportunity to start again. Make it a lesson for improvement, do not sit down and swallow it. Rather, bounce back and get going.
Do The Most Difficult First
If the task allows, do the hardest parts first. At the beginning, you have the most energy and your concentration is at the highest level.
Over time, you will feel tired but satisfied because you have done the most challenging part of the task. In this way, the lighter tasks will ideally suit the situation.
Eliminate Things That Distract You
We all like to surround ourselves with things that distract us. But in order to finish some work, we need to eliminate those pastimes.
If you really want to do something, suspend the messenger, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Put your mobile on vibration, do not play music that invites you to think and focus on what is your priority.
You know you will not finish the job if you do not focus. Therefore, refrain for some time of listening to music and reading statuses on Facebook.
Better To Do One Thing At A Time, Than Messing Around
A lot of us have trouble concentrating throughout the day because we’re constantly considering other things. Having a lot to do can be at a given time can be distracting and can lead to delayed outcome. Jumping from one task to the other can give the impression of getting a lot done. But in reality, you are not doing much. You need to prioritize your task.
Stay Motivated
Motivation is essential. It is a driving force. Successful people are always driven towards their goals or day to day tasks. They are inspired and motivated. It’s like they have a motivational battery where the battery never runs out and is always fully charged. It’s the same in the lives of successful people.
Find out the reason why you must have to keep going. Motivate yourself; remind yourself every single reason why you need to be successful. That will drive you forward.
For some people, “worrying to lose, make them work-hard and win”.
The Only Right Time Is Now
If you wait for a “favorable” time to start, it will not come. Now is the best time to start working on your tasks and responsibilities. Believe it, the task will not complete by itself, no good fairy will help you!
Leave the excuses and get to work now no matter how bad you might feel because of it. You will feel worse later because of the guilt.