A lot of us have trouble concentrating throughout the day because we’re constantly considering other things. Having a lot to do can be at a given time can be distracting and can lead to delayed outcome. Jumping from one task to the other can give the impression of getting a lot done. But in reality, you are not doing much. You need to prioritize your task.
Set The Priorities
Of course, you heard this before, but only because it works! If you have multiple goals that overlap in time, you need to prioritize them. Deal with them by significance. If you don`t prioritize them, it will open the possibility you will ignore/forget what you consider is particularly important.
Priorities, of course, can always be revised. You need not fear that they are permanent. Anyway, it`s your life and those are your goals. Change them; rearrange them, everything that suits you best!
Plan Your Day, Plan Ahead
Successful people are known for planning ahead and following their plan. They quite often plan out their day the night before. This makes them work efficiently without wasting a minute as time is crucial for them. Their to-do’s are filled with tasks that they would be needing to do during the day.
Plan ahead; let it be your day or your month or year, plan what you want to do. Write the plan down. Write specific things and do them. Analyze your performance, some plans might fail, but let it be a lesson. The more you do it, it will become a habit.

Set Goals That Motivate You
Do you want to achieve what other see as a dream or mere fantasy? Do you have a high motivation towards achieving your goal? It can be fascinating to see people work on a daily basis on a task that has little or no value because they have not set their minds on what they want.
Goals help to increase your motivation and aspiration. If your goals don’t give you the drive you need towards achieving what you want, then you must look for a way to fuel that ambition by setting goals that motivate you. When motivated you are excited about your goal, you put in your best effort and you stay focused.
Set Specific Goals
Specificity is a fundamental principle when it comes to setting goals and achieving them. Being specific on your goals helps you understand and realize definitely what you want to achieve by eliminating all doubts and uncertainty. By setting specific goals you understand the “what”, “where”, “when”, “why” and “how” to getting your desired result. In other to achieve that goal you must know exactly or precisely what you want.
Treat the idea like a Persistence Is The Key To Getting Things Done.
Persistence is a fundamental resource towards achieving your goals. You must cultivate the attitude of never giving up. You must show determination in the face of challenges and obstacles.
Patiently try out different ways to getting things done. Learn, improve and be relentless but stay on the goal.
In the event, the goal you have set is worth it, expect some opposition. Any meaningful goal you set out to achieve in life can only be reached simply by overcoming challenges along the way.
When you are faced with challenges you can decide to either yield or press forward. Success is guaranteed if you decide to rise up to the challenge rather than bowing to fear. Learn to see challenges as a step towards attaining that desired goal.
If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.
Jim Rohn
Making Health A Priority
If you think that all of the successful people just invest their time into matters that matter them the most then you are absolutely wrong or the people or the students that are living and investing their time in just studying than you are wrong again too.
If your mind and brain don’t get nutrition then they will not be able to work at their fullest functions. There are aspects that you have keep balanced and health is one of the top most.
Having a stable health leads to your Brain working properly and keeps them functioning at their best. So, If you are aspiring and leading the way to reach your ambition, don’t forget to keep your diet balanced and give your Brain the nutrition that it needs because If you want to live a successful life, nutrition is the most important.
Getting Distracted-
With the kind of World we are living in, With drive of competition filling in everyone’s veins and blood, People get distracted easily. Successful people never got distracted from their ambitions no matter what. Take Nelson Mandela, Take Steve Jobs, Take Jack Ma, Take Chris Gardner and much more. Each one of them strived for a successful life and they didn’t get distracted by other people, by social activities and most importantly by Failures. Don’t compare yourself to others, Don’t let yourself down, no matter what. Successful people mentioned above never got distracted. They stayed on the path to their ambition and look where they are today.
Although there doesn’t seem to be much hope of a Friends reunion episode any time soon, the creator of Friends recently opened up about what the characters would be up to these days, and revealed whether he thought Ross and Rachel’s relationship would last the test of time.